I Did Something Crazy

I resigned.

After eight years, I’m finally leaving the corporate world to embark on a new adventure. And, truth be told, it’s both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

I’ve never been one to easily embrace change. I enjoy having a routine and structure has always been my trusted companion, especially in my professional life. However, as my wise friend Heraclitus reminds us:

The only constant in life is change.” And change, as inevitable as it is, must be embraced.

The decision to resign had been brewing within me for quite some time. My boss wasn’t even surprised when I told her about it. Perhaps she had sensed the undercurrent of dissatisfaction and restlessness, despite being selected to be part of a new team. I genuinely enjoyed the new role at first, but that initial enthusiasm waned eventually. It became increasingly apparent that I was yearning for fresh opportunities to learn and grow. That’s when I finally admitted to myself that change was overdue.

Handing in my resignation letter took a lot of courage and a good deal of self-convincing that I was indeed making the right choice. I earnestly prayed to the Lord for the specifics of what I desired in my new job because, after almost a decade of working, I now have a clear vision of my path forward.

Following months of fruitless job interviews, a great opportunity fell on my lap and, to my utter surprise, the Lord had ticked all the boxes I had been praying for. It’s an amazing assurance that the Lord is with me on this new journey, as He always has been.

To be honest, I’m still grappling with fear. I guess it is mainly because I’ve been in my comfort zone for far too long and staying in it made me believe that I cannot succeed elsewhere. A huge lie, of course. After some time, I’ve come to realize that there’s no growth in the comfort zone. Sometimes, taking a leap of faith is the only way to really learn, grow, and eventually discover what else lies ahead of you.

I have yet to experience the dynamic world of SME, but I’m eagerly looking forward to the invaluable learnings it promises. As I step into this uncharted territory, I carry with me the lessons of courage, faith, and the belief that sometimes, the craziest decisions can lead to the most extraordinary adventures.

I’m poised to start work on Monday. I’m scared but mostly excited. It’s been so long since I felt this determination to actually give my best, and it feels so liberating. Perhaps my decision wasn’t so crazy after all.