From My Little Window

I’m 47 floors up, but I still hear the hustle and bustle of the city— a symphony of human existence in the wee hours of the morning. It’s a Tuesday, around 2 AM, but the city refuses to sleep.

As I sit here in the confines of this little condo, I can’t help but ponder the contrasting embrace of solitude and the vibrant energy of the city below.

The city’s restlessness is muted here, creating a tranquil hush that invites introspection and sparks creativity. It is also within this gentle stillness that I often encounter God. It is in these moments that I hear His voice, comforting me and gently reminding me that He is always with me.

But God’s presence is not limited to our moments of solitude. God reveals Himself in many ways—- in the kindness of strangers, the beauty of a sunset against the city skyline, or the comforting words of a friend.

God is both the quiet whisper in our solitude and the vibrant pulse of the city. He meets us wherever we may be, whether we find ourselves immersed in the depths of despair and solitude or amidst the uproar of the urban chorus and chaos.

Joshua 1:9

Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.